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Mané Galoyan

Interview with Mané Galoyan

Soprano Mané Galoyan discusses her performance of Berthe in LSO Live’s new release of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s Le Prophète.


3-minute read

In our new release of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s  Le Prophète, soprano Mané Galoyan plays Berthe – the bride of Jean de Leyde. Ahead of the album’s release we caught up with Galoyan to learn about the production and story from her perspective.

Mané Galoyan

In Depth

How would you describe the plot of Le Prophete in one sentence? 

Le Prophete is a story about religious fanaticism, revolution, love, betrayal and tragic deaths.

What’s your favourite moment in the opera?

My favorite moment of the opera is the Act 4 duet with Fides! Such beautiful music in the first half and so much determination in the last part.

How would you briefly summarise the story?

The story revolves around Jean de Leyde, who is persuaded by three anabaptists to self proclaim as the prophet and lead masses to a tremendous religious revolution, denouncing his mother Fides and his fiancee Berthe along the way.

Both Fides and Berthe, thinking Jean is murdered by the prophet himself, mourn his death and Berthe swears to kill the prophet. At the end, when she finds out the prophet is Jean himself, shocked, she ends up killing herself, after which there is a huge explosion in Munster palace which kills everyone in the great hall, including Jean and Fides.

What was one of the highlights of singing in this production?

Working with Sir Mark Elder and the London Symphony Orchestra was surreal and definitely a big highlight. This was my first French grand opera that I worked on and I have to say, the music staff were my angels. They helped me with the language and style so much and I remember I got quite sick during the rehearsal process, but my colleagues and the company were so supportive. Despite all the discomfort of sickness I had an amazing time.

Why should someone new to opera listen to this work?

Meyerbeer’s writing is so versatile. He writes these beautiful, dramatic and big lines, but also such catchy tunes. I think someone new to opera would have a lot to explore and enjoy.

What do you hope listeners take away from this recording?

As a performer I always hope to transport the audience to the reality of the piece and make them part of that world. I hope this recording does the same for the listeners. This opera has two incredibly strong women at the forefront of the story.

What was it like inhabiting your character and how do you hope the audience can relate to her?

Berthe is indeed very strong, fearless, joyful, smart, devoted and crazy in love. This makes her to be such a complex character and it is always both a privilege and a challenge to bring to life characters like this. Luckily Meyerbeer’s writing is so colorful and matches her character. Hope the listeners feel all of Berthe’s emotional palette through this recording.

What do you think makes this opera relevant to audiences of today?

Political turmoil, group of people trying to convince others of their beliefs, struggle for power, love, disappointment, betrayal … I think the plot is more than relevant for all times, including today.

Stream the Music

Giacomo Meyerbeer’s Le Prophète Album Cover

Recorded live at the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence in summer 2023, conductor Sir Mark Elder directs an all-star cast led by soloists John Osborn, Elizabeth DeShong and Mané Galoyan. Released in coproduction with the Palazzetto Bru Zane.

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